Custom Horses did not turn out the way I made them

Erasong [Platinum || 82 posts] on 8/16/2024 9:02 am

Hello! I created two custom Arabians with coins and here are screenshots of what I chose and their adult/foal images. As soon as I created them their coats changed? Am I stuck with this?

I created their coats in their adult stage and then chose to have them be a foal, so I was hoping they would be somewhat close to what I made in their adult form.

Final Custom Colt:


Final Custom Filly:



Post Count: 218

8/16/2024 9:08 am

Hi!, I'm not sure what the problem is, the foals appear to have the genes you selected for them and they are displaying correctly. Is it the adult previews that are wrong? could you show me what the adult previews of your foals look like? 


Post Count: 333

8/16/2024 9:21 am

i think it's the foal sabino layers, in the images the foals in the design lab are not showing their sabino layers but are showing them after being created.

the reason is because the design lab works somewhat differently with layering. there is only one layer per pattern for foals but multiple variations for adults. if you select a pattern variation on an adult horse in the lab, then switch to a foal, the lab will try to load a "foal variation" and be unable to which breaks the image. so with a sabino variation on the adult, the foal won't show sabino in the design lab but when you actually create the foal the sabino layer will show up correctly.





Post Count: 996

8/16/2024 12:00 pm

The only real way to know is to preview them as adults from their pages


Post Count: 82

8/16/2024 5:19 pm

Thanks guys! I had no idea you could preview them as an adult. I did some searching and found it. It shows the correct custom coloring I originally created once they are an adult! So should be fine :D

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