Elvish Warhorses! (Breeding complete, funding phase)
WirelessMouse [Platinum || 218 posts] on 8/14/2024 3:32 pm
The Elvish Warhorse Campaign has finished breeding Gen3!
Elvish Warhorses are a very colourful breed, made up of 25%Arabian, 25%Morgan and 50% Irish Cob. They have an elegant, intelligent face, a well muscled body, feathery hooves and flowing manes and tails.
If you would like to see this breed get its own beautiful art, donate a campaign coin to the club ^^
I am also offering $220000 bits per coin, just send me a private trade! all these will be donated to the campaign :)
NEW: Art sale! https://horsefable.com/topic/7169
Selling art in exchange for campaign coins to donate to the EWH campaign!
Ahh congrats on finishing gen 3!!

Thanks!! it was actually finished a month or so ago, but I got caught up in stuff and forgot to post about it :')
I plan to have some art stuff to exchange for coins very soon so keep an eye out for that too ;)
Hey, I have two top-tier EWHs: one is in the mid-2,000 PS range, and the other is in the 1,000 PS range. I don’t have any campaign coins. How can I help?
Hey Rising Star! it's awesome that you want to help and I'm sure we can figure something out <3 if you would like to buy some more EWHs from my herd or some of my art with Bits, I can use the bits to purchase campaign coins from other players ^^ would you like to PM me so we can work something out?
Hi! I am new to the game but love this breed idea! Are you still offering the 220k bits for a campaign coin?
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