What horses are you currently looking for?
Kail [Basic || 153 posts] on 8/14/2024 11:31 am
I'm looking to start a new breeding project. What breed are you looking for how much are you willing to pay and are you looking for a specific discipline, PS, number of stars? Thank you still struggling to pick one.
I'm looking for ASBs (purebred) at the moment. If they're bred and not wilds, I'd want them in Dressage, have interesting/desirable colours (Seal bay, brown bay, black, cream, champagne, silver, flaxen, dappled, skewed) and a minimum of 10TB, though preferably over 15 TB. if they have less than 4000PS I'd want them to be 4 or 5 stars so I can halter show them.
I'd say 10TB 4/5 star horses I would pay 10k bits for each, a bit extra depending on colour.
for 15TB horses statted towards Dressage I'd pay 30k upwards.
I'm also after Friesians, purebred. I'd be looking for specifically 5 star 6E ones with a minimum of 10TB and pay 5K each with the price increasing with TB
Talented but lazy
Everything I breed can be found on page, but mostly TBs, ASBs, Chincos (mostly for my AGP Campaign) Mustangs, Marwari, etc.
What does TB mean?
TB stands for Thoroughbred and Training Boost.
Edited 1 times
Looking for sage dyes, please message me!
TB also stands for Training Boost.
I breed Appaloosas and have my own Flaxen breeding project I have had since about 2015 with no focus on any specific discipline. I rarely ever buy any because they are so hard to find and usually not for sale but if on the off chance I find one I pay 10-100k all depending on PS, BS, and age. I do not ever buy or breed horses with visible inbreeding even to acquire Flaxen. I pay big bucks (sometimes 50k+) for breedings to Flaxen studs/broods. I prefer 4/5 stars but if they are from the foundation store even 2/3 stars is acceptable. I think I own the majority of Flaxen appys in the game cause I'm the only one that breeds for it haha
TB stands for Training Boost.
Talented but lazy
I was gonna say I think its safe to say it meant Thoroughbred in this case but I guess not
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