Where are community guidelines?

Kail [Basic || 171 posts] on 8/06/2024 6:52 pm

Recently got a post locked 😢 trying to find community guidelines so I know what I can post but can't figure out where it is?


Post Count: 723

8/06/2024 7:06 pm

The bottom of every page, in teal, its a link. It really long, so make sure you have the time to read it before you sit down.


Looking for sage dyes, please message me!




Post Count: 723

8/06/2024 7:06 pm


Edited 1 times


Looking for sage dyes, please message me!




Post Count: 871

8/06/2024 8:37 pm

Usually of a post gets locked, mods will usually explain why when locking it


Post Count: 171

8/06/2024 9:08 pm

Thank you and they did but I wanted to make sure it didn't happen again because I really needed that information.

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