more than 5 competitions
bel [Basic || 19 posts] on 8/05/2024 5:24 pm
hi! I just wondered, I see a lot of young horses being like ll 50+ at only 4 years old... when I try to look at the historic of the competitions of one of them(another player horse), it looks like they have been on more than 5 shows per days!
I though the energy bar only allowed to do 5... anyone knows how to help me ? I would really like to lvl my horses faster!
5 for halter, 10 for discipline. Higher PS horses also level much faster
specifically, one halter show uses 20% energy while one discipline show uses 10% energy. you can mix and match as you like within 100% total energy per day, a lot of mine are set to 4 halter shows and 2 disc shows.
ohhhhhhh! now I get it !! yhank you all!
I just went on this horses page,
when you look at the competiton historic it shows than on a same day, he went it more competitions he nourmally could...
i mean, it depends on when the shows actually ran. disc shows are run 4 times a day but halter shows can take well over a day to run.
Horse is entered into 5 halters on day1, none of the halters run that day.
Day2, energy is reset. Halters are run, horses are entered into 5 more halters, then they run again. This means the horse did 10 halters that day! Totally possible, not exploiting anything, simply just halters running at strange times
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