2 questions: Profile Picture and Stable Page
Erasong [Platinum || 82 posts] on 7/14/2024 9:38 pm
Hello! It's been awhile since I was last on here. I have two questions :D
Profile picture: Whenever I try to paste a url from imgur and press save, an error pops up saying "Could not get image size, please try another image". These are avatars I used a few years back so I'm not sure what's changed?
Stable page: I understand if I go to Account>Settings I can adjust my profile page and forum signature, etc. But where do I edit my stable page? I have a previous layout on there and I can't find where to edit it haha
Okay so I finally found where to edit my stable page. Estate>Manage>Settings (in case anyone else was curious!)
I'm still wondering about the profile picture issue though. Maybe I shouldn't use Imgur anymore?
Yes Imgur doesn't work anymore. I've been using imgbb
Okay great, thanks Roze!
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