Elvish Warhorse Sale / Fundraiser
WirelessMouse [Platinum || 196 posts] on 7/14/2024 10:02 am
The 3rd Gen of the Elvish Warhorse Campaign is complete!
This means it's time to fund it :D
I have 115 Elvish Warhorses (currently) to give away in exchange for campaign coins.
1 Campaign coin = 10 horses from the first tab on my stable page.
> you get to pick which ten horses, they are all numbered, so make a list of the numbers that you want & post it here!
> All are already registered in the campaign & can be halter shown.
> Send me the coin(s) via private trade OR donate directly to the campaign page!
Selling Art: https://horsefable.com/topic/7169
Coin donated through club.
6, 21, 29, 37, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 58
I figured two stallions and eight mares should give me something to do for a long while in that breed. :)
Sent them over :) thank you for your donation, enjoy your new pretties and I hope they give you lots of foals ^^
Selling Art: https://horsefable.com/topic/7169
Excellent, headed to get them bedded down now. Can't wait to see how the breed ends up being depicted in art.
thanks, sent them over! ^^
Selling Art: https://horsefable.com/topic/7169
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