Is there a way to breed past the breeding limit

Kail [Basic || 119 posts] on 7/14/2024 6:07 am

I have a Chico that is close to breeding limit can I draw straws to hreed after the breeding limit?


Post Count: 103

7/14/2024 8:10 am

there is no way to get around the breeding limit unless you get lucky with twins on the last breeding. (which is pretty much impossible as twins are never a guarantee).
Chincotegues, Marwaris and Akhal-tekes are all limited to 5 live foals and 3 lab pulls. note that you can spend more money/ingots on the lab pulls for a chance of more eggs and straws, but I haven't found it worth the cost to do so though. It's easier to just buy new breeding stock off someone 


Talented but lazy 


Post Count: 119

7/15/2024 5:37 pm

Thank you

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