Is there a way to breed past the breeding limit
Kail [Basic || 152 posts] on 7/14/2024 6:07 am
I have a Chico that is close to breeding limit can I draw straws to hreed after the breeding limit?
there is no way to get around the breeding limit unless you get lucky with twins on the last breeding. (which is pretty much impossible as twins are never a guarantee).
Chincotegues, Marwaris and Akhal-tekes are all limited to 5 live foals and 3 lab pulls. note that you can spend more money/ingots on the lab pulls for a chance of more eggs and straws, but I haven't found it worth the cost to do so though. It's easier to just buy new breeding stock off someone
Talented but lazy
Thank you
But what about breeders promise?
Lop rabbit, no. If it did work, then that would be a bug, and you'd likely get in trouble for exploiting the bug.
Talented but lazy
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