What do you train a halter horse in?
Magpiebrain [Bronze || 33 posts] on 7/05/2024 2:22 am
You can train horses in disciplines or careers, but what do you train them in when they are halter horses?
I have a few that honestly suck at any discipline and barely scrape by in careers, but they bring in good money in halter shows.
you can train them in whatever discipline you prefer, as PS has no influence on Halter Shows
Selling Art: https://horsefable.com/topic/7169
@WirelessMouse : thanks, but I kinda wanted to know if there was something to train in that DOES improve Halter show results.
Sorry if that wasn't clear from my first post 😅
Unfortunately you can't train for better halter horses. Halter scores are entirely based off stars and breed stats which you can only increase through breeding. Plus there's also a random factor with the games "Judges" meaning some horses do better on some shows than others due to the "Judges" biases.
Edited 1 times
The only thing you can really do improve a poorly performing halter horse is career it. Skills have some effect on halter results, and you can increase those through career or halter shows. Not sure which gives the larger skill increase, but either way your halter horses should improve over time. And no it doesn't matter which skills.
Selling Art: https://horsefable.com/topic/7169
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