Wilds For Sale! - UPDATED [7/22]
Esquire [Platinum || 66 posts] on 7/05/2024 1:45 am
I'm not familiar with pricing for breeds other than Appaloosas nor anything about how rare certain colors are so give me your best offer!
American Paint Horse:
Horse Fable :: Wild Horse 4★ SKEWED - Red Skewed Roan Splash White Rabicano Mare
Horse Fable :: Wild Horse 4★ - Light Bay Mare
Horse Fable :: Wild Horse 4⭐️ - Rose Grey Mare
Chincoteague Pony:
Horse Fable :: Wild Horse 4⭐️ BUCKSKIN TOBIANO - Light Buckskin Tobiano Filly
Horse Fable :: Wild Horse 4⭐️- Bay Filly
Wild Horse 4★ Patn1patn1 - Light Bay
Horse Fable :: Wild Horse 4★ - Light Bay Dun Rabicano Colt
Welsh Pony & Cob:
Hi :) Are you having better luck with the wilds?
I have no idea about pricing, but if it helps a couple of my my wild APHs sold for 10k ea (just this morning). I don't see why you couldn't try that for saddlebred/irish draught too?
I saw an auction for a wild mustang finish at 20k a couple of days ago. She's very pretty so maybe you could try auctioning her off?
The other thing I'll sometimes do is list the wild as a market trade. It can let you get an idea about whether there's others out there who are interested and you can get some good offers. I've really only had my APHs go without any interest on market trades.
I'll give ya 15k for the ASB
Private trade sent!
How much for the ID?
Messaged you!
I offered on the dappled Hano.
Updated and alphabetized!
PM sent for the Chestnut Hano mare!
Added an Amber Cream ASB!
Added Quarter Horse, Mustang, and Irish Cob
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