Performance stats and disciplines

VenoRen [Basic || 2 posts] on 7/02/2024 12:24 pm

Hello, I am new to the game and the wiki is not working! Could anyone explain the different disciplines in this game and what stats are needed for each?

Thank you in advance!


Post Count: 333

7/02/2024 1:20 pm

hello and welcome to the game! unfortunately the wiki is down so you can't see the list of disciplines and stats, you can use this page as a backup though i think it may be missing a little info.


Post Count: 2

7/02/2024 2:17 pm

Thank you but unfortunately the link isn't working!


Post Count: 333

7/02/2024 4:49 pm

that's odd, it's working for me. are you on mobile?

Crystal Stables

Post Count: 130

7/06/2024 2:07 pm

What do I put a crossbreed in who's best in Intelligence, flexibility, and speed?

just a girl who loves horses...


Post Count: 317

7/06/2024 2:11 pm

I'd put it in a western discipline like pole bending or barrel racing.






Post Count: 746

7/06/2024 2:13 pm

The link is working for me, there is a bug that is messing with links.





Post Count: 171

7/06/2024 3:12 pm

Copied out from my herd tracker spreadsheet -


Discipline Skill - 2x Skill - 1.5x Skill - 1x
Barrel Racing Speed Agility Flexibility
Cross Country Endurance Power Speed
Cutting Speed Intelligence Agility
Dressage Flexibility Intelligence Power
Driving Power Endurance Intelligence
Endurance Endurance Agility Power
Eventing Intelligence Endurance Power
Flat Racing Speed Power Endurance
Hunter Intelligence Agility Flexibility
Hunter Under Saddle Agility Intelligence Flexibility
Hurdle Racing Endurance Speed Agility
Pole Bending Agility Flexibility Speed
Pulling Power Agility Intelligence
Reining Intelligence Speed Power
Show Jumping Speed Agility Power
Trail Intelligence Endurance Agility
Vaulting Flexibility Endurance Agility
Western Pleasure Flexibility Intelligence Power


I'm not really sure what to explain besides listing which ones calculate from which stats? But I could also separate out the page of my herd tracker that calculates what discipline best fits any given PS distribution, and link that for people, if that'd be helpful.



...Because, apparently, heaven forbid I do anything that's not complicated.

Crystal Stables

Post Count: 130

7/10/2024 8:11 am

The wiki is up again!

just a girl who loves horses...

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