Irish Cob Sales

Leo. [Basic || 3 posts] on 7/01/2024 9:05 am

Hi, I wanted to ask how much Irish Cobs sell for. I feel like I price mine too high with the system I created for myself. When I sell horses I usually price them based on their Level and Breed Standard (1 Level = +1000$ / 1 Excellent = +1000$ / 1 Good = +500$ / 1 Fair = -500$ / 1 Poor = -1000$) e.g.: a horse with Level 5 and a Breed Standard with all Good will cost 8000$. Thinking about it it´s a stupid system since they continually increase their level through showing. Any tips on how to do it better? I really like having systems



Post Count: 305

7/01/2024 9:43 am

Irish Cobs currently do not have any hype or (some but not many) popularity surrounding them. An Irish Cob with all Excellent breed standards could easily sell for 3-6k. Anything over that I could consider to be a robbery. 

As for leveling systems, I don't think they're the best idea. It's better to price a horse at what you think would be fair, rather than what your "system" would price it at.

Edited 1 times





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