Irish Cob Sales
Leo. [Basic || 3 posts] on 7/01/2024 9:05 am
Hi, I wanted to ask how much Irish Cobs sell for. I feel like I price mine too high with the system I created for myself. When I sell horses I usually price them based on their Level and Breed Standard (1 Level = +1000$ / 1 Excellent = +1000$ / 1 Good = +500$ / 1 Fair = -500$ / 1 Poor = -1000$) e.g.: a horse with Level 5 and a Breed Standard with all Good will cost 8000$. Thinking about it it´s a stupid system since they continually increase their level through showing. Any tips on how to do it better? I really like having systems
Irish Cobs currently do not have any hype or (some but not many) popularity surrounding them. An Irish Cob with all Excellent breed standards could easily sell for 3-6k. Anything over that I could consider to be a robbery.
As for leveling systems, I don't think they're the best idea. It's better to price a horse at what you think would be fair, rather than what your "system" would price it at.
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