Trying to register a 2/3 Arab and 1/3 Appy but can't seem to get accepted into the Arapaloosa club (sp???)

Rauni [Platinum || 2 posts] on 6/28/2024 10:14 pm

I bred my Arab to an Arapaloosa and am wanting to register him into the Arapaloosa club. Is there anyway I can do this? 


Post Count: 26

6/28/2024 10:58 pm

Araloosas have to be 50/50 Arabian/Appaloosa. Anything else is just a generic crossbreed and isn't recognized as an araloosa.


Post Count: 2

6/28/2024 11:25 pm

hmm I was going to breed this back to my Appy.. Trying to increase stats


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