How do I know if my horse is a manchado carrier.

Kail [Basic || 205 posts] on 6/25/2024 8:53 am

So all of my horses are gene tested how do I know if they carry the manchado trait.

And how can I breed them to show this trait?

Crystal Stables

Post Count: 130

6/25/2024 9:41 am

So, when you gene test, there's two ways to check. There's that long string of numbers/letters that represent genes, and the list of checked boxes. In the numbers/letters, the very last thing will be either MaMa, Mama, or mama. If it's MaMa, your horse does NOT have or carry manchado. If it's Mama, they carry it but don't have it in their coat. If it's mama, they'll show the manchado coloring (which kind of looks like Swiss cheese) and carry it as well. Any horse that Carrie's it can pass it on but mama horses are more likely. You can also check to see if they carry it by looking at the second to last checked box. If the box labeled Manchado is checked, the horse carries it. Hope this helps!



just a girl who loves horses...


Post Count: 205

6/25/2024 10:25 am

Thank You!


Post Count: 746

6/27/2024 4:04 pm

Just to add to that, when you look at the horse in genes, it does not hav to be tested, you can see it in the name.

Like this horse





Post Count: 205

6/27/2024 4:17 pm

Ok thank you


Post Count: 218

6/28/2024 3:05 am

@ KatieLee that is incorrect. A horse can carry the Manchado gene without it displaying in the name. The Manchado gene will only show in the name and on the horse if it has TWO copies of it. You need to gene test to see if a horse has one copy of the Manchado gene. Flaxen and Mushroom also need to be gene tested for :) 


Post Count: 317

6/28/2024 6:55 am

Technically you can know if your horse has a specific gene by searching it in the "search horses" page without gene testing it. 






Post Count: 746

6/28/2024 11:14 am

@WirlessMouse, I meant for if the horse is fully mama, you have to gene test to find Mama.





Post Count: 996

6/28/2024 12:31 pm

You have to gene test to find any gene. Its the players who put it in the name. 


Edit: You meant the coat color, not the horse name? 

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 746

6/28/2024 12:34 pm

@Maki, yes, sorry I was confusing!




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