Always looking for Roan Arabians to buy or breed to

Magpiebrain [Bronze || 33 posts] on 6/24/2024 7:52 am

Working on a Skewed Roan Arabian project. Always willing to buy Roan Arabians (purebred, not grade) or breed to them. 

Please reach out and send me a message


Post Count: 970

6/24/2024 12:36 pm

I can offer him for stud if you ever want to use him. 


Post Count: 33

6/24/2024 2:39 pm

Would love that!

My available mares are out of energy right now, but maybe tomorrow? How would it work? 


Post Count: 970

6/24/2024 4:36 pm

Just shoot me a message when they are ready and we can set something up


Post Count: 33

6/25/2024 9:53 am

Thank you!


Post Count: 37

7/06/2024 4:07 pm

Sent you a message. 

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