Horse Prediction

Hwaseo [Basic || 1 posts] on 6/22/2024 6:20 pm

Hellooo, I hope this is the right place to ask this.

I was wondering if there is any way to know what a foal will end up looking like?

When the horse is already yours I assume you can do a Genetic Test and see, or you can just guess based on the parent's gens. I also did notice there was a "previewer" button, where you can see your horse as adult or foal; but since I just started playing today, mine is already grown (and its a custom anyway so I know how I made it lmao).

So it's more about, when you find a horse on the market, or in auctions, how do you know what it's gonna look like?


Post Count: 214

6/22/2024 7:35 pm

You won't know unless you buy them and use the previewer unfortunately. The only other way is to see if you can recreate an adult in the design lab with the correct color genes of the foal.


Post Count: 747

6/23/2024 11:17 am

Its been suggested to be able to preview other players foals as adults so you can see what they look like. It would definitely be pretty helpful if they ever do decide to add it 

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