Searching horses
Stormchaser270 [Basic || 68 posts] on 6/12/2024 7:19 am
When you search horses by their genes in the search bar, do they have to be DNA tested?
Live, Love, Ride🐴🐴🐴
Not necessarily no. In the past when I was looking for ZZ horses to buy, some of them were not gene tested but still showed up in the search for sale, for example, this foal here:
I simply searched up any breed for sale as a minimum of $1 and put in ZZ, then hit Search
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That horse is gene tested, but I searched a random color, and found a horse that was not gene tested. Thank you!
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Live, Love, Ride🐴🐴🐴
At the time the horse was NOT gene tested, the horse was up for sale and someone simply bought it and gave it a gene test and it was the only other horse that was for sale that was ZZ which is something I usually look for but it is nice to know that horses can still be searched up for stud/brood and or be bought without being gene tested.
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