‘Wild’ horses?
Atsushi [Basic || 1 posts] on 6/07/2024 1:31 pm
In real life there technically isn't any 'wild' horses left apart from the Przewalski's horse, the rest are considered descendants of domestic horses so the proper term should be feral. But this is just something not many people know and probably won't change the game much so you can just ignore me I guess.
The comment above mine said they wanted to see them in game and I gave my reason why I disagree.
I was just thinking that if we added Przewalskis they could be wild exclusive :/
Which is fine, just like me disagreeing is fine. Being that they aren't really domesticated, it's not something I want to see in this game personally. Same with Zebras.
you make a fair point. Zebras would be a very...odd addition to HoFa 😆
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