Zenette's Shop (Updated but closed for vacation)
Zenette [Basic || 23 posts] on 6/05/2024 9:52 am
- Am I available?: Yes/No/partly (please message me what you want and how much you're willing to go for price wise)
- Is the shop open?: Yes/No/partly ( if No, it is because I'm either on Vacation, in class or busy with family)
- Has my shop been restocked today since last explore?: Yes/No/partly
- Has my shop been restocked since selling items in Market? Yes/No
Last lazy update: 6-27-24
Last true update: 8-15-24
Welcome weary traveler!! Come to shop for ingots or explore items or even from the mine? You've come to the right place!!
I will have items for sale on a daily basis! If by any chance something runs out, and you are looking for it, please message me and I will have you on a wait list and I will send them over when I have the item(s).
Below are what I have currently. Offers open!!
SNACKS: 100 bits a piece
Alfalfa x5
Apple x2
Carrots x2
Clover x2
Oats x2
Molasses x4
Amethyst x13 (10k bits per piece) this is also the most asked gem I will try and get as many in stock as possible
Apatite x5
Blue Sapphire x10
Citrine x1
Emerald x11
Garnet x9
Labradorite x4
Onyx x8
Quartz x12
Rose Quartz x10
Ruby x17
black x2
blue x43
bubble gum x19
Cobalt blue x32
burnt leaf x0
[Spring Equinox] dandelion x0 5k bits a piece
[Spring Equinox] dusty green x12
Electric purple x12
green x108
Grey x36
lavender x9
[Spring Equinox] mint x15
Neon green x27
[Spring Equinox] orange crush x9
orange x54
pink x10
[Spring Equinox] powder blue x8
purple x77
red x76
[Spring Equinox] rose gold x11
snowcream x0
yellow x79
sunburn x71
Teal x45
Sky blue x80
ROSE Decor:
black x16
blue x12
clover decor x15
green x63
pink x22
purple x34
red x123
white x29
yellow x26
Grey x6
orange x3
Coming soon to Restock
GENERAL DECOR: 1500 bits per item or 2 ingots
Grey Wolf x43
P.S. All items will be in Market Trades with the other buyers name and the price they wish to buy the item(s) for
I dont always check forums... so if you see something and its stocked, please message me. I get faster shipments sent out that way. If that's the case then in your message(s) please let me know: the item(s), how much of them, and the price willing to pay. Thank you
Waiting list:
Name of player/item(s)/Price
1. KatieLee - 1 lavender halter, 2 rainbow english saddle pads, 2 Lavender dyes, 2 molasses
Edited 5 times
What do you want for all your: amethyst, electric purple dyes, lavender dyes, and purple dyes?
Edited 2 times
30k bits? im flexible on prices
Can we go ANY lower?
I'm low right now.
Ok! I'll do that!
All set for you in Market
Ty, but do you know how to do a Private Trade?
I noticed it just after I made the trade.
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