Post your HoFa 'Icks'
Makeshift [Basic || 60 posts] on 5/29/2024 3:38 pm
Hey y'all, I just made this post so that people could post their opinions and stuff without being attacked or anything. So basically I wanna know...what are your HoFa 'icks'?
One thing that really bothers me is when noobs make unnecessary forum posts, like a three word post saying "Check out my sales pen i have cheap horses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when in reality the horses are either mutt crossbreeds or (somewhat) pretty horses with extremely poor breed standards. I know that there is a forum page for horse sales, but it's usually for adoptables, giveaways, etc. Posts like that generally don't get many responses either and it's overall a waste of time and forum space as you can easily advertise your horse sales on the shouts.
I agree with Vale. Also NOT HATEING ON THE DEVS, but I kinda wish they would fix all the bugs.
Looking for sage dyes, please message me!
One question
@Vale, how do you make a shout?
Live, Love, Ride🐴🐴🐴
You go to the forums and in the top right corner there will be a button titled "Shouts" click it and you can make your own.
Thank you!
Live, Love, Ride🐴🐴🐴
Bumbing this by saying something.
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Looking for sage dyes, please message me!
maybe don't go calling out people specifically? it's one thing to complain about something that happens in general, singling someone out goes way over the line imo.
Oh, yea, didn't think of that.
Edited 1 times
Looking for sage dyes, please message me!
yeah I understand, calling someone out specifically isn't the best idea, I remember when I would get backlash/called out on the forums I would be so embarrassed...😅 but most of the time noobs make those kind of posts.
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I see both of your viewpoints; I agree a bit more with @Forgottenland though.
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