No Grade Irish Cobs?

Middie [Platinum || 39 posts] on 5/20/2024 9:17 pm

According to the Wiki, Irish Cobs; "The breed does not have a specific color requirement but a body type requirement. Due to this, the breed can be found in any color."

Does this mean there are no grades? Because once it hits 100% with the right body type it is considered a Irish Cob? Random thought.


Post Count: 171

5/20/2024 9:50 pm

Alas, while that would seem to make sense, Irish Cobs in this game can still be Grades - as evidenced by this horse (among a few others). I suspect that is just meant to indicate that almost all the genes have the possibility to appear?

(Mushroom and manchado being exceptions, since they're Shetland-specific and Arab/TB-specific, respectively. I've also found that W20 is the only one of the White genes that appears, but that may or may not have changed since the last time I pulled foundies for data)



...Because, apparently, heaven forbid I do anything that's not complicated.

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