Any artist updates?

Cybertron [Platinum || 59 posts] on 5/19/2024 3:03 pm

Hello! I was just wondering if there's been any updates in hunting down an artist? I assume that with the last post mentioning that they're updating the art that they may have found someone? I'm trying to be patient (not my best trait, honestly, lol) but I'm itching to see my crossbreed campaign finished in that regard.


Post Count: 59

5/23/2024 10:05 am

I wasn't dissing, I was simply just asking, especially since I completed my crossbreed campaign a few months ago. I understand updating art and everything takes time; it just would've been nice to have a clear, "hey we found someone new but we need to fix this stuff before we start on the campaigns." I was asking polietly, not calling anyone out 🙄

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Post Count: 60

5/23/2024 11:07 am

@Cyber, I was talking about Vale. If you look on the first page she said that the devs "Haven't been very good communicators", which i disagreed with.


Post Count: 871

5/23/2024 11:55 am

They also have clearly stated they are working with someone several times 


Post Count: 59

5/23/2024 12:27 pm

Oh oops! I'm just sitting here like "wait, what?" 🤣


Post Count: 305

5/23/2024 4:36 pm

I'm so unpopular ;-;






Post Count: 463

5/23/2024 5:41 pm

You just said the devs haven't communicated lately after we got a huge news post regarding a whole new set of tack art, and even got an expected drop month for the Thoroughbred re-do.. you're not unpopular, you just can't expect to make a statement like that and not get some backlash for it.


Post Count: 305

5/23/2024 5:42 pm

Yeah I understand. I'm trying not to start drama, sorry if I did!

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Post Count: 724

5/26/2024 5:49 pm

Wait they are remaking the thoroughbreds?!?!?!



Looking for sage dyes, please message me!



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