How do you see your horses DNA test
Stormchaser270 [Basic || 68 posts] on 5/07/2024 6:11 pm
I tested my horses DNA and I can't find the results. Where are they? I checked the breeding tab and half of his grandparents are gone and it just says foundtion.
Live, Love, Ride🐴🐴🐴
Could you link the horse? It should be directly on the horse's page when you open it, it'll be a bar at the bottom of his image with different colors and when you hover over the colors on the bar it will say the % and breed.
(ie: this horse has been DNA tested - Horse Fable :: German Sporthorse the red and orange bars are the breed %s)
I'm not sure. I never really test them for DNA, but when I do I have the same-ish problem.
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