Aren Gee / Aren Who ? (Quest)

Angelwingz [Basic || 4 posts] on 5/07/2024 2:20 am

Seems to hang up,because Ive already picked up foundation horse 2 times already,but it still says 

I going to pick a horse so I cant go ahead with her there.

its a only one left now regarding quest.

Can you help me ?


Post Count: 703

5/07/2024 9:27 am

Did you get them right from the foudation STORE or did you buy foudation horses from OTHER people?





Post Count: 4

5/07/2024 11:05 am

I buy 2 foudation horses from foudation  store 


Post Count: 703

5/07/2024 11:23 am

Hmmmm, I'd ask Curly in a DM, maybe it's a bug. Here is the bug box.





Post Count: 158

5/07/2024 11:25 am

This is a reported bug that's been an ongoing issue. I would check the "This is happening to me too" box, and in addition make a comment on it about what's going on on your end!

You can find the report by clicking this link:

Horse Fable :: Bug Report

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