Will Buy Marwari Horses
Legend Of Sweden [Basic || 6 posts] on 5/02/2024 7:16 am
I want to buy purebreed marwari horses but I cant find anyone here whos sells them.
Can even buy Marwari cross to.
I'm selling a marwari for 2k, she's in my sales pen
If your looking for Marwari's for sale, go search them.
If you need help with search, Lmk
Nevermind the marwari sold
If you search Marwari you have to put a minimum sale price of at least 1 bit to see sale horses. There are currently 4 for sale for 18k bits. You can also go to Horse Sales and look by that way. Additionally you can search auctions by breed for them there. there is currently one in auction.
I had one for sale but it went pretty quickly as well. You may just have to keep an eye on it to see if one you want pops up
ok thanks Maki
I buy for money not coins
You can also go to the rescue pen and see if there are any there for cheaper.
They have no Marwari
It changes every day, you have to look every day, even though it is a bit of a task, it can be worth it.
Ok,Tanks !
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