[ Deleted by vale ]

Vale [Basic || 305 posts] on 4/29/2024 3:31 pm

Deleted by Vale






Post Count: 305

4/29/2024 3:32 pm

Deleted by vale

Edited 1 times






Post Count: 168

4/29/2024 4:22 pm

As someone who was a Mod for a bit, and interacts with Curly daily - I assure you Curly is not a bot and is in fact real lol.


Post Count: 871

4/29/2024 5:18 pm

Whaaaat how did we get to this conclusion? 


Post Count: 268

4/29/2024 5:29 pm

isn't this the 2nd time someone's claimed another person is a bot recently? is this some kind of dumb joke?


Post Count: 305

4/29/2024 6:28 pm

Again, I thought it was likely false and just stated reasons why I thought the theory made sense. I literally just publicly embarrassed myself 😅


Edited 1 times






Post Count: 871

4/29/2024 6:48 pm

To be fair, someone was just confused by a player bumping their post. I didnt read this post before it was deleted so I have no idea what it said 😂


Post Count: 305

4/29/2024 7:55 pm

oh lol, it was just reasons why I thought Curly was a bot 🤣






Post Count: 305

4/30/2024 7:35 am

I'm just determined to keep our community small and bot free 😊






Post Count: 871

4/30/2024 10:54 am

Curly is one who runs the game so she just doesnt actively post a lot haha I am not sure we have actually had bots on here. Knock on wood 😂


Post Count: 305

4/30/2024 11:23 am

Thank god 





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