Brumby Eggs For Bids! {CLOSED}
KayTea [Bronze || 744 posts] on 4/28/2024 8:32 pm
Hi there!
I have a brumby mare, (Linked below)
She has two eggs that I'm bidding here!
I'm useing this for ref to what I'm doing here!
I will give the highest bidders the eggs on 5/20/24 at 2:30 pm EST.
The Eggs:
Egg 1 has 65% fertillity,
And Egg 2 has 61% fertillity.
The eggs have them same mom.
The Mare:
At the time I took the egg, the mare was:
Age: ? Umm 22 mabye?
PS: 3,414
Level: 77
Amount of foals: 4
The mare is currently:
Age: 24
Level: 77
This mare is an Expert Model Horse and a International Tier 1 Flat Racer
Set up:
Egg 1 is the egg that is at 65% fertillity.
Egg 2 is the egg that is at 61% fertillity.
Keep in mind which egg you want when you write,
Please set up the bid like this:
Egg: 1 or 2 or both
Bid price: $XYZ
I'm going to put the starting price for both up:
(The eggs are the same price)
Please note that you must bid higher than the lst bider for the egg you are bidding on.
Thank you.
Sb on both.
?????? Sb?
sb just means starting bid, you set it at $7500
Ok! Thank you!
Bumbing! This is only open alittle longer, I really was hopeing for a higher price.๐
Sold to "Brumby"
Sold for $7,500 each.
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