Explain Training Boosts to me
goblin [Platinum || 16 posts] on 4/25/2024 7:44 pm
From what I understand, you add up the combined levels of both parents and divide by 10 to get the foal's TB.
My question is, why does my Lv68 x Lv57 (125 total) foal have a training boost of 11, whereas my Lv68 x Lv74 (142 total) foal have a training boost of only 4.
I feel like I am missing something crucial 🤔
The second foal has a much lower TB because it hasn't finished foal training yet! (Which I deduced by looking at the foal's "stats" tab and noticing that none of its personality traits have been revealed). Basically, the foal's TB starts lower than its full-potential-value, and increases as you complete foal training.
I'm... a little surprised that the first foal has a TB of 11 instead of 12, but perhaps the parents were lower-leveled at the time of breeding, enough that the sum of their levels was less than 120? Unfortunately that's not something I as a random player can easily find out at this point.
See the Foal Training page from the wiki for more detail.
...Because, apparently, heaven forbid I do anything that's not complicated.
Thank you! I didn't realize foal training had an effect on the training boost, makes total sense to me now why all my new foals had a much lower TB than my yearlings.
As for the first foal, it's indeed very likely both parents have gathered a couple levels since the breeding, so that explains that!
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