Can't complete quest

Pippiix [Basic || 2 posts] on 4/18/2024 7:52 am

I took a quest in exploration to deliver lavender dye to Macon Green, I have lavender dye in my inventory but whenever I try to click complete it says I don't have the item required when I very obviously do. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this a bug?


Post Count: 723

4/18/2024 10:36 am

Do you have the right number of dyes?

If only 1 dye for the quest, i'd report it as a bug here in the bug-box.


Looking for sage dyes, please message me!




Post Count: 110

4/18/2024 11:50 am

I've found that after accepting such a quest you can't give an item you already have, you have to find the item after accepting the quest.


~Live like someone left the gate open~

Justice for Cole Brings Plenty!




Post Count: 871

4/18/2024 11:55 am

Yes depending on the specific quest you may have to find one, not use one in your inventory you already have


Post Count: 361

4/18/2024 12:09 pm

If it explicitly says, along lines of, find a Lavender dye in Explore, that means you cannot use a Lavender dye you already have had, you need to go find a new one in Explore then turn it in.



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