Vet testing and service options from horse's page

JayBug Training [Basic || 10 posts] on 3/28/2024 9:43 am

It would be nice to have the ability to perform the DNA, gene, and personality testing from the horses page instead of trying to remember the ID number for the exact horse you are wanting to test. Also would make it easier if you could also sterilize horses from their page as well. 

Maybe a vet tab so you can perform testing and sterilization for that specific horse?


Post Count: 363

3/28/2024 10:10 am

I feel like I am missing something here but why would you need to know the horse's exact ID? Do you not go to the horses' page and go directly to the Genes tab and hit up the Vet that way? That's what I do. Whenever I breed a foal, I am able to go to their genes page, hit Visit the vet to gene test and when it loads, select the horse from the drop down menu. Same with any wilds I capture too and I am able to do the personality test from there too. I've never had the need to use an ID.



JayBug Training

Post Count: 10

3/28/2024 11:50 am

True, but if you have a lot of wilds that you haven't gotten around to name you need to know the ID number to make sure you're testing the correct horse.


Post Count: 363

3/28/2024 1:11 pm

That has happened to me a few times, but not often, usually I simply test the horse right away if I am going to keep it or freeze it to sell later on.


Plenty of times the horse isn't renamed. It's just Wild Horse. I know not of the breed or whatever but I usually just vet test them all in one whack. I do the same with foals I bred. I sometimes have them stacked and go enter all gene test them in one whack too. Only time I have need for ID is just for foal predictors. Could be a me thing but I always gene test horses in my care, whether I keep them or eventually sell them. All are gene tested.




Post Count: 902

3/28/2024 2:41 pm

Me sitting here with my test all ๐Ÿ˜…


Everyone always gets tested in my barn but i can see how it wohld be tedious if you only wanted to test certain ones out of a lot


Post Count: 123

3/28/2024 4:24 pm

I gene test all of mine too - it's fun to see if there's any hidden genes, etc.  


The only thing you could add is the date caught or breed to the "wild horse" name if you wanted to search that way instead of by ID#.  As it is currently, I mean. :D




Post Count: 273

3/28/2024 4:40 pm

yeah i kinda never thought about it that way since i gene test everything. i kinda avoid buying wilds if they aren't gene tested since for some breeds i really need to know what genes they have (percherons for example), so i always gene test my own whether i keep them or not.


Post Count: 730

3/28/2024 9:25 pm

I agree with the Dusty Angel's First post!

I would say it but its already been said!๐Ÿ˜„




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