how do i get income

Anxlee [Bronze || 20 posts] on 3/04/2024 6:43 am

im loosing 7k every day because of boarding. i really need income but i dont know how


Post Count: 348

3/04/2024 8:20 am

Showing horses, entering careers, creating shows, exploring and selling items.

These posts have a lot of info too 💜


Edited 1 times


Post Count: 549

3/04/2024 11:48 am

Look for cheaper boarding. A lot of barns used to only be $5 for all. Mine still is. I missed those days. Its also recommended to not start with so many horses until you build up steady income. 

Edited 1 times

Royal Legacy Ranch

Post Count: 53

3/05/2024 3:11 am

enter shows, look for board that is cheap talking $1-3 per horse. get rid of horses that dont serve a pourpose in your goals. sell items. stand your horses to the public for breeding. put away a certain amount of away money each time you sell anything. i did that for awhile and before i knew it i had over 100k saved up.  this makes it so if stuff does happen you still have something to fall back on until money can flow again or you can find a way to make more money. any other thing you can do is make banners etc for people.



Darlington Demo


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