KatieLee [Basic || 253 posts] on 2/17/2024 4:16 pm

Can horses grey as they get older? my RED horse is 10 and is now GREY? I'm not sure, can a pro help me out? Will she still have red babies?

thank you

Be true to yourself


~โ˜ฎ Protect your peace โ˜ฎ~



Post Count: 146

2/17/2024 4:28 pm

Gray is a gene that lightens any color over time. Your horse may pass this onto their foal if they have one copy of the gene (Gg) if they have two copies (GG) the foals will all turn gray.

You can get a gene test at the vet to check your horse. 

More info about gray can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_horse 


Post Count: 81

2/17/2024 6:28 pm

you can also read about how grey specifically works on HoFa here and here, it's a bit different from how greying is in real life.



Post Count: 253

2/18/2024 10:40 am

thank you so much!๐Ÿ˜Š


~โ˜ฎ Protect your peace โ˜ฎ~


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