Unsure Of What To Do

Golden Calico [Basic || 2 posts] on 2/13/2024 10:42 am

Hello! I made this account earlier this month and then never touched it. I have three horses and I don't know what to do with them or how to get better horses, or even how to get rid of one of them! I'd love for someone to offer me guidance or even be my Horse Fable mentor. 



Post Count: 253

2/13/2024 11:15 am

Not sure I can be your mentor... but I CAN help you out now!


So if you want to keep the horses...

Go to the horses settings tab and tap Transfer in Quick Actions

now type in the name of your other account and press send!


If you do not want to keep the horses

Put them in Horse Auctions in tab Market at the top of the screen

or put them in sales pen ( also set up from your horses settings tab)

Just make sure you make a shout or post about them or nobody

will know they exist.

As for the accont you can't get rid of it, but you can try to talk to staff about getting it gone!

Be true to yourself

Edited 1 times


~โ˜ฎ Protect your peace โ˜ฎ~



Post Count: 545

2/13/2024 1:52 pm

The Wiki and Quick Start pages are your best friend in the beginning. Also utilize the forums and discord in asking for help

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