Club Not Loading Well

Oaken Fields [Basic || 91 posts] on 2/12/2024 3:04 pm

Not sure exactly where to put this. It's not a bug, but it's beginning to be a really big problem.


This club:

World of Crossbreed


Doesn't want to load acceptably anymore. I suspect there's just way too many registered horses in it (I think we're verging on 1000 registered, somewhere upwards toward that count). Keeps slowing down the browser and freezing the other tabs as it tries to load the page. Any way to fix this in the short term? Or maybe some other fix?


I'm sure there may be other clubs that are closing in on this problem, but this one is the only one I use outside of registered crossbreed clubs.

Roze Moderator

Post Count: 285

2/12/2024 3:14 pm

Hi there! I'm having issues with it too. So it's not just you - Can you make a bug report please?

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

2/12/2024 4:07 pm

Will do!





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