Horse Games where inbreeding matters?

Ailoth [Basic || 1 posts] on 2/11/2024 12:43 pm

I have really been enjoying horse fable and I love horse breeding games but I can't seem to find a game that has a punishment for inbreeding. Doesn't even have to be horses


I would also prefer if the game didn't incetivize mass retiring or selling of animals that don't fit the breeding program.

I left horse reality because you had to inbreed for some traits and the game incetinivized retiring your old horses for better foals as fast as physically possible. I'd rather keep my older horses and use them in comps or just generally take it slower. 


Post Count: 996

2/11/2024 2:43 pm

Most games goals are to let people play how they want, hence not really having issues with inbreeding, especially because it happens in real life a lot. I try to avoid it if I can though


Post Count: 2

6/19/2024 7:49 pm

Inbreeding in HorseIsle 3 results in stat decreases I believe, but I'm not sure if it goes any further than that


Post Count: 746

6/19/2024 9:30 pm

@Mantis, this post is a few months old and nonactive, just saying.




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