List of artist suggestions
reddRookk [Platinum || 477 posts] on 2/11/2024 9:13 am
After the discussion on artists on the live, as well as seeing a lot of back and forth between players regarding the art, I opened this thread for people to drop suggestions/ideas. I used DA because it's the only site I'm familiar with, but post from wherever you find them! Obviously someone who's been recently active with open commissions.
I did not try to match Solo's style while picking these artists, as I simply don't think someone so similar exists. I tried to stick with a semi-realistic theme, but. ๐คทโ๏ธ I think in order for the game to progress, we have to come to terms with the fact that no one is going to be able to exactly match Solo.
Drop any suggestions below!
I think that is best and very much like Solo's
If they don't work out well and are to!
I'm gonna be biased and suggest my cousin, Maki:
She had done in her own style, a Dutch Warmblood when this initially happened and it is in the provided Google Drive link. She does have a Deviant Art but has rather faded away from it and has switched to mostly sharing it on Google Drive. I've always liked her work and enjoy seeing her WIPs, along with some memorial artwork too that she's done over the years.
Yea that's nice! I like the style!
Oh wow, she does a great job!
@Maki did you apply/send any of this in to Curly?
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I wanted to but it seemed they were pretty insistent on matching Solo's art so I wasnt sure it was worth bothering trying
I'd be willing to try.
@Talitha - oh my gosh you're a great artist too!
TY @reddrookk, I sent Curly a message. I was playing around with grayscale based on the walkaloosa WIP and came up with a base I think I could refine more. Let me know if you want to see it.
@Talitha - I'd love to! I'll reach out on discord!
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@Talitha your art is so pertty!๐
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