
KatieLee [Basic || 253 posts] on 1/07/2024 11:20 am

Hi! I'm BROKE and i'm broke BAD I need help๐Ÿ’€! PLS help me In any way you can, but the most easy and best way to do so is to breed to my horses! their cheep! PLS help me out! I need it cause I have a hurt horse! thank you for you time!


~โ˜ฎ Protect your peace โ˜ฎ~


Roze Moderator

Post Count: 284

1/07/2024 1:26 pm

You can play higher or lower to earn some money:

Then i would suggest exploring! Try to catch wild horse and pick up items. I tend to only pick up dyes, treat items, and seasonal items. I stay away from flowers. Seasonal dyes will earn you the most money. Then you can list those items in market trades for people to buy.

And mine if you've exhausted your explore horses for the day. The newer gems (amethyst, citrine, onyx and rose quartz) can earn you more but the older gems are pretty saturated in the market so I find those only get 2-3k. I'm willing to pay 25k for amethyst.


Post Count: 253

1/07/2024 1:36 pm

Ok wow thank you!!!! I can't find the game but the link works!!


~โ˜ฎ Protect your peace โ˜ฎ~


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