Filters for searches?

Snowball_From_Earth [Basic || 4 posts] on 1/02/2024 8:21 am

Are search strings a thing? When browsing through horse sales it seems like the only filter is by breed and the search window also only filters breed names (no colt, filly, mare, no excluding breeds). Did I miss something? 


Post Count: 246

1/02/2024 8:56 am



This is your best bet/closest way to narrow things down further.




Post Count: 102

1/02/2024 10:15 am

Yup, just go to the magnifying glass! On mobile you'll need to scroll down the dropdown menu, on desktop it'll just be on the far right :)

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 4

1/03/2024 8:48 am

Thank you so much!

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