Grade Percheron info PLEASE :<
SarahWere [Basic || 12 posts] on 12/22/2023 11:08 am
So I'm breeding grade percherons and starting from scratch but I've also bought some crossbreeds. Some of which are 75% percherons, 50% etc. I was wondering how much the percentage goes up each time I breed them to actual percherons. Does it go up by 5% so that the offspring would be 80% if it's parent was 75%?
Also I went to the vet and got a DNA test for 2 of my perch crossbreeds but nothing showed up anywhere telling me what percent percheron they are. Where exactly do I look?
✨ I'm a grade percheron breeder! ✨
✨HMU if you will stud or brood your grade perchs to me!✨
Starting from freash it's 50%, then 75%, then 87%, then 93% and then that next foal will be a grade perch. This is breeding only back to perches. Once it says "grade" in the name it's considered 100%. So it won't show up needing a dna test as it's as perchy as it'll get.
You'll never get a non grade from a grade.
For the pair not showing up in the vet. Are they stabled/boarded? Needs that too show up. Otherwise link them so we can see what's happening.
would also like to add, that if you breed two crossbred perch together, the percent cut is lower. bred my 50% perch with my 87% perch and got a 60% perch from it
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