Does anyone play Horse Reality?

BlossomSilver [Basic || 2 posts] on 12/08/2023 6:14 am

Any fellow HR players around here?

Kind Regards,



Post Count: 996

12/08/2023 6:37 am

I have on and off but it gets pretty tedious


Post Count: 89

12/08/2023 8:13 am

I did but I quit it for a lot of reasons. I don't think some of them is apropriate to post here so I will keep them for myself but I will not recomend anyone to join that game.

Mary Smith

Post Count: 106

12/08/2023 8:27 am

I play there, but i also feel tedious from time to time. But i with the recent update of Suffulks it's been nice.


Breeding Quality Baroque Breeds๐ŸŽ


Post Count: 996

12/08/2023 11:42 am

Agreed Aleon, agreed. 

Chesh Squeaks

Post Count: 7

12/09/2023 5:28 pm

I joined recently and was really excited for it, but for some reason I just haven't been interested in going back to it the last few days. It has a bigger player base but I prefer the interaction I get here? Plus I feel like there's more for me to do on HF and the Discord has really been helpful and beneficial to my playing experience. My name is the same on there if anyone wants to add me.

Fiona West

Post Count: 1

12/11/2023 4:00 am

Me. I play that mainly, I find making money too difficult on here. I often can't take care of my horses because of running low on money. That's why I play Horse reality more


Post Count: 996

12/11/2023 6:28 am

Making money here is pretty easy. It helps to start off with no more horses than you can handle and entering them into careers multiple times a day because it doesnt caught anything so you can consistently make money from it. 


Dont worry about buying and breeding the best horses right away. Work with what you got. Its a slower going to start and thats okay. Plus there is always endless playing of Higher or Lower in the game room. 


You can also explore to get items or head to the mines for gems and sell those in trades for some money. That doesnt cost anything either. 


Post Count: 74

12/11/2023 8:45 am

-hides my huge cob and Shetland herd-


no, I absolutely don't play horse reality ๐Ÿ™ƒ




Post Count: 391

12/11/2023 5:31 pm

Making money can be easier all the live long day, but it felt too tedious for me. I felt I was missing something playing the game. I felt all I was doing was constantly training my horses but never once competing them and after a while, you kinda just wanna smack your head against a wall in frustration because you don't understand why this is so slow and tedious. 



I never really went further than that, so after a while I kind of quit. I don't recall if I had to actually fully train my horses before they could compete or if they could compete alongside training, I do remember having to take forever to train to the point the horse would pass on and I was STILL training them.




Post Count: 89

12/11/2023 6:05 pm

@TheDustyAngel You can compete your horses alongside the training, if you have energy for that, but they will perform bad because the % of training at the level is included in the calculation of the results. To make money from competitions in HR needs for you to be very dedicated or find a continent, a breed and a dicipline that no one else competes in.

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