Missing Shows
Mary Smith [Basic || 104 posts] on 11/10/2023 7:11 am
I'm problably missed an update, but where are the shows? Many of my horses in their show tab are missing a few. Something did happen? I know at least that these shows are runned by other players. Did something happen to them as well?
Breeding Quality Baroque Breeds🐎
I don't know if I understand you correct.
Game shows (competitions) runs every 6h. When this changed I have no idea because I had my account on freeze from spring until 4 weeks ago. Since I came back I have noticed that player shows show up on your horses show page first when it's 6 left until they run= the same time as the shown game shows. If you use the shows arena page you can find all player shows created.
I think i get... A few horses of mine don't have a "show tab", it's empty, only leaving halter shows. Maybe all the shows of that day is already runned then?
Breeding Quality Baroque Breeds🐎
Yeah if there are no shows that means they are currently running. They run I *think* 7 am, 1 pm, 7 pm, and 1 am
A few things to check -
1. The horses have a 'DISCIPLINE' set. (Flat Racing, Cutting, Reining, Dressage, etc etc.)
2. The horses 'DISCIPLINE' checkbox under 'Working Paths' on their edit page is selected.
--- Both of the above will have discipline shows actually showing on the horse.
3. If there are still no shows, can you find shows manually by going to Town > Shows Arena and finding a show? Are there still none?
If not then I think the answer is that the shows for that particular discipline/tier are full. While halters shows will run and put another halter show up, I don't believe discipline shows are the same. Once they are filled, that's it and they go away until the next show window. But they also hold a lot more horses per show. (I'm not 100% positive on this).
You can ask in the discord for shows of a certain discipline/tier to be created by other players if there are none.
Then It is! Thank you guys!
Breeding Quality Baroque Breeds🐎
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