Upgrading Account

TheShootist [Basic || 13 posts] on 10/15/2023 2:44 pm

Good afternoon! I'm having difficulty finding out how to upgrade my account, when I go to my settings tab there is a link that I click that brings me to the ingots store however I do not see an option anywhere to actually upgrade. Also, what does it even cost and what are the benefits of upgrading? 

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

10/15/2023 2:57 pm

The ingot store (also accessible via clicking the ingots in the banner, right next to the bits), has tabs in this order:

Purchase Ingots

Purchase Items

Purchase History




Click on the Upgrade tab and it tells you the type of accounts there are as well as the benefits of each.


If you do not see the tabs, I'm not sure what to offer? The tabs are below the Ingot store discription.


Post Count: 13

10/15/2023 3:03 pm

Hmmm. Interesting! I wonder if they're playing hide and seek because I'm on mobile? I'll hop on my laptop and see if there's more options. Thank you!


Post Count: 545

10/15/2023 8:22 pm

It doesnt all fit on the screen on mobile so you have to scroll sideways to find it. 

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