Spanish Norman Horse Club still active?

Siconita [Basic || 3 posts] on 10/10/2023 7:37 am

I was planning on breeding for a crossbreed campain and I wanted to breed Spanish Normans since they are a combination of my two favourite breeds but I don't know if they are still active.

You can also suggest other active breeding campains since they seem like a fun objective. Are there any more that are currently needing or accepting new members?


Post Count: 346

10/10/2023 8:46 am

It looks like Astre is still active, so they're probably still accepting registrations to the Spanish Norman registry 💜

I have the Walkaloosa Campaign going, generations are complete, just needs coins! Flashy horses with lots of patterns!

My second campaign is the Sharlo Ranger, a 25% mix of Quarter Horse, Mustang, APH, and Fjord. 💜 it's just starting out with a few generation 1s. 

I'd love to have you in either! 

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