Spanish Norman Horse Club still active?
Siconita [Basic || 3 posts] on 10/10/2023 7:37 am
I was planning on breeding for a crossbreed campain and I wanted to breed Spanish Normans since they are a combination of my two favourite breeds but I don't know if they are still active.
You can also suggest other active breeding campains since they seem like a fun objective. Are there any more that are currently needing or accepting new members?
It looks like Astre is still active, so they're probably still accepting registrations to the Spanish Norman registry 💜
I have the Walkaloosa Campaign going, generations are complete, just needs coins! Flashy horses with lots of patterns!
My second campaign is the Sharlo Ranger, a 25% mix of Quarter Horse, Mustang, APH, and Fjord. 💜 it's just starting out with a few generation 1s.
I'd love to have you in either!
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