How to sell horses?

Thyella Rawls [Basic || 4 posts] on 10/09/2023 5:07 pm

Hi, It's not coming up and nothing showed me... How do I put horses up for sale??



Post Count: 348

10/09/2023 6:07 pm

Hi there 💜 you put horses up for sale individually on their profiles - under where you brand/retire/transfer them.


Post Count: 102

10/09/2023 6:39 pm

Hi! You'll need to in a horses profile (where you feed and water them, breed them, etc) and you want to click the little pen icon up on the far right (up near where their name is). Scroll down a bit and you'll find where it says "put horse up for sale" :)

Thyella Rawls

Post Count: 4

10/09/2023 7:48 pm

Okay, thanks!


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