I froze tab and deleted it but horses are still frozen

Taur Lobor [Basic || 4 posts] on 10/04/2023 6:47 am

The title describes whole situation. There was a frozen tab in my estate, but then I decided that I no longer need it and deleted it, but forgot to defrost it. There were 10 horses, wich you can now find in uncategorized tab, and they are still frozen and idk how can defrost them. Are there any other ways to do it if they are not in any tab anymore? Please help me.

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

10/04/2023 9:01 am

Have you tried putting them in a tab or putting them into an already frozen tab and then freezing or also unfreezing it?

Either way, this sounds like a bug report.

Roze Moderator

Post Count: 284

10/04/2023 9:39 am

Try freezing and unfreezing your whole account under Account Settings.

Taur Lobor

Post Count: 4

10/04/2023 10:38 am

Thanks everyone! If this information would help anybody, freezing and unfreezing whole account helped, but I'm still going to write about this bug. Thank you again!

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