Boarding a Frozen Horse
Mewlie [Platinum || 112 posts] on 9/26/2023 10:50 am
This is certainly a small quality of life change, but I would like to see the ability to board a frozen horse. It's inconvenient to have a horse be kicked from boarding and put into Transport, but be unable to re-board them until they've been thawed. Perhaps there could be a prompt when a frozen horse is kicked from boarding to ask the player if they'd like to re-board their horse now? I would be interested in hearing others' thoughts!
Yeah... I can certainly see how irritating this can be. Or even boarding a horse with no chosen discipline. But for now, yeah, boarding frozen horses would be nice. After all, they can choose to kick a horse that's frozen, I think, so we should be able to choose to board a horse that's otherwise we're still paying the bill for.
Honestly, I never deal with this due to always boarding at my place, but I support for those who need it.
If y'all didn't read the rest, I support it.
Adding my support, too. I don't use the freeze feature, but I'd like those who do to be able to (re-)board their horses without having to thaw them out.
It would be a nice feature! I support this as well :)
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