Moment of Vent for Retired Horses

Oaken Fields [Basic || 91 posts] on 9/14/2023 11:18 am

Eh... yeah...

Well, I've been having a LOT of horses retiring right at 21 years. A lot recently. Seems like I've been having some really sore luck with it.

Okay, so it's not a 50/50 type of thing. I still have quite a few that blow right past 21 and are still alive and well, but it seems that it's something like a 2 in 5 chance for a horse to retire at 21, in at least one of my accounts.

Really aggravating when I'm trying to get an appropriately colored foal. Luckily, I do save a foal from them at least when they're 20, so I still have something. But I mean still... seems I have really soggy luck right now with this. πŸ˜’

Today topped the cake. Two of my foundations retired. And both were paired up with different partners. Of course, I think I'd be just as disappointed if they were paired together. And yet, if that were true, what type of luck... would that be???

Seriously. Trying to build a certain type of bloodline and being cornered by retiring horses to boot. πŸ˜‚



Thanks for letting me vent!

Vent finished. πŸ˜„


Post Count: 565

9/14/2023 4:29 pm

Thats why I try getting breedings in by 19 lol or grab straws and eggs if I can but it expensive 


Meanwhile I had one on my side account make it to 29

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

9/14/2023 4:45 pm

I start at 18, but the number of genes I'm trying to get in, sometimes makes it difficult to get all of them onto the foal. Especially if they're all hetro- for them.


But even then, that only leaves three chances if they drop at 21.

I think the oldest I've had was 27. Unlike other games, there doesn't seem to be a 'normal age-out' age on my horses. It's fairly decently even (percentage-wise) from usually 22 to 25.

29 is certainly impressive though! What was that... 70% (give or take) chance of retiring and it rolled to survive? Certainly, very impressive!😊

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

9/17/2023 10:16 am


Another moment of irritation. Had another jump-ship at 21. πŸ˜…πŸ€¬

πŸ™„πŸ˜‘ Eh... "it's a game" just remember that. 😢

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

9/18/2023 1:37 pm

πŸ˜’Annoying son-of-a-grief.

I'm cursed! Cursed.🀬

I'm on a three-horse streak for retirements retiring at 21 years.

... curses!...




Post Count: 94

9/18/2023 5:52 pm

Agreed. I keep telling myself to do the math one day and find the true probablity with my own data gathering a larger sample size. There are disclosed %'s for things happening in the game, but I swear none of them are right (except genetics, those seem pretty true for production). However I agree, I feel like I have a much higher retire at 21 rate than it should be. Same with high injury rates in explore, and high rates of breeding failures, and high rates of embryo/straw breeding fails even with 80% fertility on both the straw and egg.


Post Count: 70

9/18/2023 6:53 pm

Eh... I think I could agree with you StormHeart. I do seem to have a high failure rate for breeding and embryo (and others) fertilities. But my luck for such things isn't great sometimes.


As far as I remember, it's supposed to be 10% chance of retirement at 21 and then additional 10% yearly thereafter until 31 where it's reached 100%

But the breeding rate ... is odd to me.

I am indifferent to injury rates in explore. I think it's just about right... with the understanding that it's going to change here soon enough with different types of injuries. And at that time, the ratios may also change, such as same chance for minimal injuries but much lower chance for more sever injuries and so forth. As a trial run for injuries, I think it's about on par.


...Can't say how many embryos I lost that should've, by percentage rate, succeeded. If I hazarded a guess, I would say something like out of 15 embryos, I lost at least 9 or 10 of them. Which is high. That said, about half would be the lower end of fertility, because I figured I would lose them anyway. πŸ˜‘ And that shouldn't really be the thought, which, maybe then, it might mean there is something wrong.

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

11/22/2023 2:13 pm

😒 I'm still being haunted by the ending-at-21 curse. It's been better recently, but it seems over half of my horses disappear then. Perhaps a bit of an exaggeration, but really, not by much. In a herd of ten, I might have as many as 6 all go at 21 years.


But anyway. I lost the following today and I'm disappointed about the gene spread I got... rather, didn't get from the pairing.


Ah... Well...

Oaken Fields

Post Count: 91

11/22/2023 2:14 pm

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