[Added] Add Breeding Requests to Breeding Ground

StillOaksFarm [Platinum || 71 posts] on 9/12/2023 8:58 am

I'd like to have a tab in the Breeding Grounds where I can see requests made for my private studs/broods and also one where I can see any pending requests I've made to other player's private studs/broods. While it is possible to filter the breeding request notifications, it seems more logical to also have these listed on the Breeding Grounds page. There's also no way to track requests I've made (at least not that I know of). When I make a request I know which of my horses I've requested so I try to keep from using up all of it's energy but if I don't keep a tab open on the other player's horse then I don't have a way to look it up again to see if it's still available for breeding, when the player was last active, if the horse is now frozen, retired, etc. It also means there's no way to cancel a breeding request once it's out in the ether.


So yeah, I'd love to see breeding request management added to the breeding grounds to make all of this a little easier ๐Ÿ™ƒ



Post Count: 919

9/12/2023 9:15 am

I agree. It just seems in a nonsensical place right now. Despite notifications I somehow have forgotten requests and dont notice until much later that I have them. 


I also want an easy access place to cancel breeding requests as I accidentally requested one for 100k that so was not worth that much and if I had a quick place to go and cancel it I might have got to it before the player approved it. Definitely didnt get the chance to message them in time ๐Ÿ˜‚

Edited 1 times


Post Count: 204

9/12/2023 1:56 pm


It's so inconvenient and just hard to access and remember which horses have requests pending with the way things are at the moment.


Post Count: 484

9/12/2023 2:35 pm

Support! ๐Ÿ’œ


Post Count: 164

9/12/2023 3:51 pm

Definitely yes please!



...Because, apparently, heaven forbid I do anything that's not complicated.


Post Count: 60

9/22/2023 8:59 pm

I would also like to take back my request, like if I find a better stuf.


Post Count: 12

9/23/2023 3:45 am

Fully support! 


Post Count: 15

9/23/2023 6:18 am

Support! I think it would be easier! As I often forget which stud I send a request


Post Count: 22

9/26/2023 6:24 pm

Support with all my heart.


Post Count: 94

9/28/2023 10:39 pm

I support this as well - I've had times where I would have accepted the request but they no longer had energy... and then the next day not know who they'd requested it for in order to try again. So a place to manage those would be amazing!


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Roze Admin

Post Count: 320

12/01/2023 9:17 am

Support! It'd also be nice if there was an easier way to rerequest if a breeding fails + I'd also like to add that you should be able to accept/reject any pending requests for your stud/broods from the breeding grounds instead of having to go to their page and do multiple clicks. 

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