Playing with Backgrounds!
Middy [Platinum || 81 posts] on 8/25/2023 2:09 am
So I don't art. Not very well. But I enjoy it. I just get board and rush it. Figured I would share it here.
These are my top 3 right now. Love them and try not to over use them, but its like a shiny new toy.
First is a Florida Swamp type background. It is my newest. I like it. Ex: Here
Next Favorite is a river coming up the banks. This one was very fun. Ex: Here
I really love the night time feel of this one and the moon trying to peak out. Ex: Here
More Art!
Wheat Field:
Misty Meadows:
Bridge & Water:
Knabstrupper Fields: Denmark
Stormy Night:
Pumpkin Patch:
Mountain Mist:
Cattle Fields:
Coast to Coast:
Northern Lights:
Dry Desert:
Scottish Moors: One of my first BG
Fall Lake:
Shetland Isles:
Grand Canyon:
Sunset Beach:
Paddock and Barn:
Wash Bay:
NY Harbor:
Oh these are beautiful! Great work!

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